Halfway through

Today are exactly three months that I left my country and I came to the United States.

When they told me that time was going to fly while I would’ve been there, I would have NEVER though that it was going to fly THAT fast.

I don’t think it’s even necessary saying that the day of my departure I was like:

                What the hell I was thinking about when I decided to do this?!

But now it’s been three months that I’ve been here, with all the sad moments when you are so homesick that if you had a ticket to go home you would, with all the happy and wonderful moments that would always be part of you and that make you never want to return to your home country. So far, everything is going great,

I’m not going to lie: being an exchange student is not easy. But it’s worth it.

So now I am on spring break and I’m enjoying my time in Charlotte very much. I’ve been going out every day and I’ve bought so many things I don’t even know where to start! I will probably do a post about all the things I bought.

On March I’ve been in New York. YES!

N E W     Y O R K     C I T Y

I can’t even believe it, but it’s true. And they were the best days of my life.

I felt in the right place, I knew and I know that that’s the place where I belong to.

(I will do a post of that trip, too!)

Also, the prom is approaching and I need a prom dress.

Knowing myself, I will probably buy it the day before the prom. Oh gosh.

These are the two that I tried on.


They’re so beautiful, but at the same time really expensive. I’m going crazy about this prom thing!

I know this post is not very long, but I really wanted to post something for the day of my three months here.

I can’t wait to write all the other posts that I have in mind! Also, there is going to be more fashion here, but I won’t spoiler anything, stay tuned!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

                                                                                                                                                              Giulia ♥